Friday, November 29, 2013

Day Twenty Eight

Today was thanksgiving and my family drank lots of coffee. I'm thankful for my family and friends.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day Twenty One

Today I took a picture of the dice I made in PLTW. It took about 3 days to make, it was hard at first but once I got it down it was really easy. I don't like PLTW at all. I also really miss gym class. I'm going to have to learn to like PLTW because I have 11 more weeks of it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day Twenty

Only ten days left! I keep forgetting to take pictures so this challenge really is a challenge. If I could sum this picture up in one word I would say, hot. Most say we look pretty dysfunctional, which is probably an understatement. I'm ready for this challenge to be over.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day Nineteen

Today we had a basketball game again. We played Stillwell. We did a lot better than we did yesterday. We did a lot better rebounding, and we had fewer turnovers. We won the basketball game, making our record 4-1

Day Eighteen

Today is November 18th and I had a basketball game vs. Ankeny. Although we thought we might not have the best chance of winning, we did end up with the win. The score was 28-20.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day Seventeen

Today I took a picture of the dress I got. I got this dress to wear for thanksgiving.
I usually buy something new every year to wear during this time. I got the dress at a store called Express at a mall in Cedar rapids.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day Fifteen

I took a picture of my friends Ashtyn and Olivia. We had a blast today. I am still feeling a little under the weather but I'm doing better. We did almost everything you could think of like; painting nails, dancing, laughing, falling down, spilling drinks, watching movies, and having the time of our lives. I had so much fun tonight with my bestfriends

Day Fourteen

Today was a long day for me. I was sick with a stomach virus all day so I stayed home from school. I felt really crappy but I had a hair apt. So I had to get my hair done. I am happy with my hair results and I am starting to feel better.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day Thirteen

Today I took a picture of my scarves because I have millions of them. It is starting to get really cold outside and I can't wait to start wearing them! All my friends say I have an obsession, it is kind of funny. I can't wait for it to start getting colder.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day Twelve

Even though we lost we played a descent game of basketball. The score was 29-49 and we got our butts kicked. Ankeny centennial was a good team, but we could have beat them. We had way too many turn overs and some players fouled out in the first half. We also had a very low shooting percentage.

Day Eleven

Today I took a picture of the wrestling meet. The boys did very well and it was fun to watch

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day Ten

Today I took a picture of my friend and I. Her name is Ashtyn Fuller. We hung out the entire weekend and had losts of fun. We painted nails, watched movies, and laughed a lot!! She is one of my best friends and I am so lucky to have her. I had a great weekend.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day Nine

On just the ninth day of my thirty day challenge my phone fell on the ground and completely shattered. The screen turned purple and was not functioning correctly. We had to take a trip to Verizon to get it fixed or get a new one. They told us that it was unfixable and we would have to buy a new phone. This was a good and bad thing. On one had I got a new phone, on the other we had to pay a lot of money for it.  I am sort of glad my phone broke because I'm am enjoying my new phone:)

Day Eight

Today is Friday, November 8th. We finally got a night off of basketball practice which was much needed. Our schedules can sometimes be crazy and it never hurts to have a night off. I got to spend time with one of my best friends, Rylee. We hung out and watched movies together a long with some other friends. I had a fun night.

Day Seven

Today I had basketball practice after school. It seemed like practice had gone on forever because i had AAU practice also. I had 4 total hours of practice today, and it sure was a work out. We worked on many different drills, some easy, some hard. We also learned a few new played and scrimmaged for a while. Even though I am very tired I had fun at practice today.

Day Six

Today is Wednesday, November 6th and it is the 6th day of my 30 day challenge. Today I finally learned how to French braid my own hair. I've been eager to learn since I was little and i finally got the skill down. It is pretty challenging to French braid someone else's hair let alone your own hair. I was proud that I learned how to French braid my own hair.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day Five

Words hurt. This picture I felt was great for the 5th day of my challenge. I am currently researching the causes of self harm on teenagers and verbal abuse is a  big cause. There is a saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." I strongly disagree with this statement, because almost 17 people a day commit suicide because of bullying.

Day Four

My fourth day of my thirty day challenge consisted of a basketball game at Waukee. We beat Waukee 30-24. The B game is currently taking place 4-12, we are down. This picture is of Elizabeth and I on the bus ride home. The ride home was very quiet, for many reasons. One reason was the B team score ended up as 6-44. We lost, some of the girls were disappointed with their performance. Waukee was a very well playing team and we were all very tired. Most of us slept all the way home.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day Three

Today was the third day of my 30 day challenge. I took a picture of my hair braid. Today I braided my hair into a fishtail braid. Braiding my hair is a thing I do often, so I thought it would be a perfect picture for my 30 day challenge. Although I am only 3 days into this challenge I'm realizing that taking a picture every single day is harder than I thought.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day Two

Today was the second day of my thirty day challenge. I chose this picture of my star bucks, or as some would call it "a typical white girl post". I drink star bucks almost everyday. I thought it would be a good photo for my challenge. I am enjoying the first two days of my 30 day challenge.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Day One

Today was the start to my 30 day challenge. I chose this challenge because I thought it would show others who I am and they could learn more about me. Today I took a picture with my friend Sarah after basketball practice. The reason I took it with Sarah was because we were wearing the same shirt. We both thought it was pretty funny when we looked across the gym at each other matching. This is the start to my 30 day challenge.